Corporate Responsibility

Occupational Health and Safety Policy

It is the policy of Agrico Canada L.P. to conduct its operations, and services without endangering the health and safety of our employees, contractors, customers or the public. Protection of employees from occupational illness or injury is a continuing objective. The company through its employees will make every effort to provide a safe and healthy working environment.

Agrico Canada L.P. believes that:

  • Employees are our most valuable assets. Safety must be a major consideration within this operation along with the quality services we provide.
  • Safety shall always take precedence over expediency or short cuts.
  • Accident prevention is a value added and integral component of efficient service and quality. A good safety record is evidence of good management and active employee involvement. Loss prevention is the direct responsibility of all employees.
  • Every employee has a personal responsibility to protect their own health and safety as well as those of their colleagues by working in compliance with the law and with safe work practices and procedures. Employees also have the responsibility of reporting hazards or accidents and partaking in safety training for their specific work tasks.

It is the firm and continuing policy of AGRICO CANADA L.P. that:

  • Employees have a right to expect a proper place in which to work and proper equipment and tools with which to do their jobs without harm.
  • Hazardous conditions shall be identified and eliminated/minimised to the greatest feasible extent by using every reasonable precaution and by the aggressive promotion of safe work practices.
  • Managers and Supervisors will be held accountable for the health and safety of the people under their supervision and are also responsible for ensuring that all machinery and equipment operate safely. This accountability includes ensuring that everyone is working in compliance with the established safe work practices and procedures.
  • Comprehensive prevention and compliance programs shall be developed and maintained to assure prudent practices, laws and regulations applicable to Agrico Canada L.P. operations, products, and services are carried out.
  • Contractors and their workers must meet or exceed Agrico Canada L.P. Health & Safety Program requirements.

It is in the best interest of all employees to consider the health and safety aspects of every activity. Health and safety is an ongoing priority throughout the organisation and all Agrico Canada L.P.  employees are expected to adhere to the spirit as well as the letter of this policy.

Environmental Services

At Agrico, we understand and believe in the importance of protecting our environment for human welfare, wildlife, and food production, and we take environmental sustainability very seriously.

The Agrico group has a dedicated Environmental Services manager, backed by an extensive support team at our parent company La Coop fédérée. One of the Environment Department’s primary mandates is to provide consulting services to Agrico, Joint Venture dealers and Crop Care members to, “ensure that our facilities, operations and products are respectful of the environment and follow sustainable development principles.”

The in-house environmental team provides support and technical assistance with a variety of studies, projects and regulatory compliance. The aim is to be proactive rather than reactive in regards to environmental stewardship, focusing on continual improvement.

Services to our Agrico, Joint Venture and Crop Care networks include:

Environmental Compliance Audits and approval applications;

  • Phase I Environmental Site Assessments;
  • Consulting for Phase II Environmental Site Assessments;
  • Environmental monitoring services;
  • Education and training on environmental management practices;
  • Technical support for:
    • Product procurement,
    • Implementing corrective actions (audit recommendations),
    • Environmental emergencies and building an environmental emergency plan,
    • Hazardous waste management,
    • Drafting of environmental policy on the principles of ISO 14001;
  • Liaison with governmental agencies in response to neighbour complaints, inspection letters and requests, infraction notices, etc.;
  • National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) Reporting;
  • Studies of noise and air emissions, hydrogeology, etc.;
  • Training on sustainable development and/or environmental management.

As a responsible corporate citizen, Agrico actively carries out the mandates set forth in our environmental policy.